January 7, 2011

found this...

in an old textbook of mine; called Stumbling Upon Happiness - Daniel Gilbert.

"...you ever have that state of enlightenment where you can feel it all throughout your body, inside emotionally, outside physically, the tingle the butterfly the constant jolt of your muscles making you warm excited alert witty laughter has never come so easy it seems you cant' smile without laughing for any reason. You feel it all throughout the roar comes from w/in your stomach - ev muscle in your body feels as though it laughing - giving to the effort. The event. You seem/feel eager, alive, ready to love and listen to all that is said. You no longer care about what you're saying or what you'll be doing. You only care that those who are around you are happy and will be there in the future or that they will be doing something that makes them happy benefits them in some way and you'll sleep better knowing that! "

pshhhh. :)

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