August 15, 2014

Non-sensical Hobbies

I gave up on photography. I can remember the moments that I started to say things like "What's the point? I'm no good. No one looks at these anyway; I don't even like what I'm taking." There was a point where I think I was pretty much disgusted about everything I said or did in life. That was a pretty low point.

I can remember taking pictures for the sake of just taking pictures! Because it's fun! And that's it! Just plain old fun! You don't take photos for someone else - like most things, you do it for you! Because you want to and it brings you joy. Photography is an art form and there is no right or wrong. Whatever it is you see in a moment is GOOD. Because it spoke to you, it meant something to you. There is beauty in all things. We only must change our looking glass to see it.

It's funny how that works. A person could buy themselves an amazing piece of equipment, go out into the world, point it at all the right things, and be a photographer. Another may pick up an old film camera and spend the day shooting flowers in their backyard, and be a photographer. Or what about the self-proclaimed cell phone junkie who takes pictures on hikes, on bikes, and at the coffee shop with friends? Photographer. What happened was I found myself judging those people, calling myself stupid and getting annoyed with what I proclaimed to be a non-sensical hobby.

WHAT THE HELL!? A non-sensical hobby? Is that not an oxymoron? What's the point of having a hobby? Because you like doing it, Ames!

Come on girl. Take those pictures and fill that chip on your shoulder. Like this!

Just stop with all the stuff that's up in there. Let go. And be that ever-loving life fanatic. It suits you best. Even if you are a goon. It's better than trying to act like something you're not and coming off as awkward and insecure. No bueno. Own it. Like Katy Hertel says, OWN IT.

Here's to owning our non-sensical hobbies. Go forth and prosper! ;)

August 12, 2014

RIP, Robin Williams.

“Carpe. Hear it? Carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” – John Keating, Dead Poets Society

"And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture."

“Oh, sir. I saw it! Some angry member of the kitchen staff, Did you not tip them? Oh, the terrorists! They ran that way. It was a run-by fruiting. I’ll get them, sir. Don’t worry.” – Daniel Hillard/ Mrs. Doubtfire, Mrs. Doubtfire

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