January 27, 2011

FINALLY! This is what we like to SEE!

This awesome little message appeared in my Inbox this morning and I couldn't be happier.
Its about damn time Gonzaga.
Who cares if the school bought out the Kennel Club?! THEY CAN'T BUY YOUR SOUL! (okay, okay, a bit cheesy, but COME ON!) Its time for a freaking revolution! Don't lose sight of what makes that gym one of the toughest places to play in the country you tards! You're a ZAG! BE A ZAG!!!!! Too bad we had to lose two shitty conference games in a row and toy with the idea of losing a third for the first time since the early 90's. DUDES. Knock that crap off. Drink some beers, talk some smack, and lose your damn voices.


Hey Zags!

It's finally here- Game Day. St. Mary's has no idea what they're in for. After 91 tents camping out (a school record!) I know this is going to be the loudest the Kennel has ever been. So get ready, and here's a few things to do before tip off at 8:

1. Join the "Poke the Other Team" Event- basically you join, and then you poke the St. Mary's players as much as you can. Why wait until they're in the Kennel to get in their heads? Post to the wall saying how many times you poked, and who, so we know how amazing you are!
Link to the event here-

2. Sign-making and tailgating before the game right next to the line- we bring the posters, pens, big heads (one of EACH player!), hot dogs, hamburgers, and AMP, you bring your ideas and an appetite!

Some sign ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
What the Hael is a Gael?
St. Mary's likes it Down Under!
Gael is a girl's name.
You get the idea!

3. Study up- Like true GU students, we do our research. So read the newsletter to get the dirt on St. Mary's, and watch the videos of our new cheers and get ready to yell these loud!

That's all, comrades! Get psyched today, because in the Kennel today we are going to RUTHLESS. St. Mary's is going down.

your KC Board

January 25, 2011

ten minutes on USA Today and WOW.

Little snip of marketing ingenuity - or rather a big SCREW YOU on the price tag of a Super Bowl commercial and a sure fire way to make us love Papa J. anyway. Well, as long as we get an overtime.

"Each of 2010's advertisers that turned thumbs down this year has a different reason. Among the most interesting is Papa John's, which Monday will announce plans to give a free large pizza to every American — if the Super Bowl goes into its first-ever overtime. The catch: You must sign up for its online loyalty program before game day (Feb. 6)." SIGN UP! SIGN UP!

Now comes this bit, it seems we just dumb down and become as ambiguous as we can about the BAD news so it doesn't make headlines with dramatic searchable keywords. We'll just sort of kind of maybe this is what happened we're not really sure, tell the story.

I'm sorry, why isn't this a bit of a bigger deal?! Former Chief of staff, dead. The Fire Dept found heavy smoke and fire coming from a garage at the back of the home. Once firefighters extinguished the flames, they discovered a person inside a sport-utility vehicle. Better yet...."Piringer said the fire apparently started after the vehicle crashed into something, perhaps inside the garage, and the victim was unable to get out."

Right, yea, that makes sense.

Or how about the destined for success Yale student hitting it hard as he LEAPS OFF THE 86TH FLOOR OF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING in "an apparent suicide jump"?! How apparent can it be people? Its okay, they wrapped it up with a nice fact buffer. So you're kid can go to Yale too."The Empire State Building is the third-tallest building in the United States. More than 30 people have committed suicide at the building since it opened in 1931. The most recent was believed to have been in 2006." That's cool, we're not even clear about the last time? "Hmm, anybody remember when those tourists from Kansas were visiting New York in what 2006? And all the sudden, haha, that body landed RIGHT in front of them on the sidewalk!?"

All ranting aside, I leave you with this. Homeless people causing a ruckus in a Burger King is no "new" news, but an employee hitting them so hard they die of brain trauma? That's new.


January 16, 2011

complete awesomeness.

this just warms the heart right up. a wonderful vid (and guy) that my brother sent me. if he's able to be relaxed around these guys and communicate with them he means no harm, can you imagine how comfortable kickin it with him on a sunny afternoon would be?


January 13, 2011

steven gray. AND GONZAGA.

As part of its mission, the university "encourages its students to develop certain personal qualities: self-knowledge, self-acceptance, a restless curiosity, a desire for truth, a mature concern for others and a thirst for justice.''

Great article about Steven Gray about a special that was featured on The Mark Few Show - check it out dudes. It'll inspire you like school did all over again :)

"Go into the world and do well. but more importantly, go into the world and do good."
-minor myers jr. -

January 12, 2011

sailing forums can be quite warming!

Hello jenny5,

Happy Birthday from your friends at Cruisers Forum; we wish you all the best in the year to come.
May your boat be leak free.
May your sails be in good repair.
May the winds be fair, the weather kind and
May your days be filled with the exquisite pleasure of new adventures, fabulous destinations and excellent friendship.

Happy Birthday!

I joined this website a year or so ago when I was looking into the in's and out's of sailing from Alaska to Hawaii. The idea is still there, just need to get a little more motivated, back on my feet, some wind in my sails ;) thanks for the reminder Cruisers!

i miss this place.

my fridge.
my awesome nepali flag dawning staircase

and my chalkboard wall (no, you weren't allowed to paint your apartment, but who's looking?!)

i also seriously miss my bright and cheery bathroom every morning :(

there's a lot of things I miss about that awesome apartment I had for like, three months? i wanna go back somedays...


January 7, 2011

found this...

in an old textbook of mine; called Stumbling Upon Happiness - Daniel Gilbert.

"...you ever have that state of enlightenment where you can feel it all throughout your body, inside emotionally, outside physically, the tingle the butterfly the constant jolt of your muscles making you warm excited alert witty laughter has never come so easy it seems you cant' smile without laughing for any reason. You feel it all throughout the roar comes from w/in your stomach - ev muscle in your body feels as though it laughing - giving to the effort. The event. You seem/feel eager, alive, ready to love and listen to all that is said. You no longer care about what you're saying or what you'll be doing. You only care that those who are around you are happy and will be there in the future or that they will be doing something that makes them happy benefits them in some way and you'll sleep better knowing that! "

pshhhh. :)

its a great day!

Registered for Arabic! We start Monday! Ooooooooooooooooh susan, this will be a doosey.

When I returned our make the time fly audio books to the library I picked up a "River Running Basics" dvd to start like an amateur and learn what this awesome red beasty boat I got for Christmas is all about! She's a stellar looking second hand kayak and I couldn't be more THRILLED! Thanks Fam! I'm so freakin pumped to dominate the sport and become a bit of an expert on tips, tricks, gear, and the basic skills. I dream of being a confident kayaker that knows what she's doin out on the water and can take a friend or two someday and help them enjoy it too! Anyway, I'm stoked about learning the basics :) Normally I'd just go put myself in at the top of a river and see what happens, the way I have with ANY physical activity I've ever tried but water can be freakin ruthless and if I'm going out there alone, I kind of want to know what the hell I'm doing. Sort of. In a round about way :) Its like rock climbing. You can't really just go out and tie some ropes in a knot and call it good. I guess you could say I'm gearing myself up for some educated outdoor learned skills so when we attempt Rainier I'm not so offended to sit and listen to someone tell me how to do it right. There comes a time for messing around and a time to get serious. How I miss the days of buying a motorcycle, doning my helmet with a giant AMY on the visor and lettin 'er rip! good golly, i wish i had that picture handy.

no coincidence that today's quote on the daily calendar was,
"A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!"
thank you Mary Engelbreit for thinking of me! :)

We're off to Sonoma tomorrow! :) I'm a lucky girl. Last birthday spent skiing at Red Lodge with great friends, burgers, and Gonzaga Basketball; this year, wine country with David for three days! Going to be a great weekend of wine tasting and touring, I absolutely cannot wait. For as lame as that may sound (don't old farts usually do the wine tasting?), us two could not be more pumped to take off in search of some semi-warmer weather and hopefully a ray or two while debating which road to turn down and are we ready to sample some more grapes? Why yes, I think we are. We dabbled a bit in the sport this summer once or twice so it'll be fun to get back to "the good ol' days". HA. Aw man, this'll be a blast. The place we're staying comes with complimentary wine as well so I think its fair to say our tongues are about to receive a lashing; I couldn't be happier. Goodbye dreary Portlandia January Blues!

This post needs some life, may I present my brosif, he's pretty awesome.

he he, so is this guy :)


January 4, 2011

ah how i love this place.

made a trip back to Spokane for the new year and a little home court action - absolutely amazing.


January 3, 2011

" And now let us welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been."
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