June 28, 2012

This list...

Started as a list of things I love about Portland.

"I LOVE the sound of diesel engines in the city! I love the merging system in the Ross Island..."

and will now be completed as the things I miss about Portland! :) Sorry Dave! Not a moment too soon :)

1. The smell of cooking hops in more than one neighborhood.
2. BIKES. People literally rode them everywhere.
3. Safeness. You never felt threatened or on edge. Always at ease as if it were a small home town.
4. Food. Carts. My goodness. Food in general. And the price tags on the amazing food. You really can't complain about not having enough cash to try new things because it's all so ridiculously cheap.
5. The man jamming on his sax at the intersection every sunny day.
6. Here to there in 10-15 minutes tops. Anywhere in the city.
7. Weird things like a Beer Mile. What?!
8. The neighborhoods. All so different. All so fun. Depending on your mood and company you could  find the most suitable one and it worked. every. time.
9. BEEEEEEEEEEEER. Everywhere. Tons of it. And it was all tasty licious. I can't remember the last time I had a domestic and well, I don't know the next time I will.
10. The ability to go anywhere and do anything and to always have someone to do it with. I miss you Dave.

This draft had one more line written in it from when I was still in Portland... "My life is FILLED with so much AMAZINGNESS!!!!" and it is :) Thanks, Ptown and David and everyone who made it a good memory in the end. xo

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