November 24, 2009

to break up the groove....

I just spent last week in Montana and am back home only to be jetting off again to Washington tomorrow! I wake up this morning and Mum has got the kitchen FULL of things ready that she wants to get baking when she gets home. The wheels have been turning since she got me the book "Hello, Cupcake!" . Now, I know I'm busy and have other things I should be working on sooooooooo, I could go for something like thisss....

OR, we can get serious, do it RIGHT, go big or go home, and whip out a dozen of.....


Call it what you want, but I am excited to spend a good portion of time working on making some super fun cupcakes. I think I'm going to break it up a bit by making some leaves and maybe some acorns... Wish me Luck! :)

oh my gosh, I almost forgot,



1 comment

Rachel Schanz said...

I just found you! Beautiful pictures!

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