I'm so sorry I cheated on you! That I bailed, that I left, that I went for that deceivingly greener grass! Forgiveness? I know you're not the Lord and even if you did have children how very selfish of me to ask you sacrifice them because I tried something new and now feel obviously horrible about it... BUT, perhaps you can find it in your hearts to check here from now on? Ridiculously frustrating on my account. I apologize.
I'm sorry.
I don't have much time here today, applying for this job has just got me all confused and pent up in ways I never knew possible, but I have to say that it feels better than ever to be typing in this text box and putting my plain black text on a plain white background. Its simple, and its free of expectation because it is, what it is. I love it. I absolutely LOVE it. You know what else I love?
Ice Cream.
So does Jennifer :) and lots of other people, but I know she really likes it.
Dang DUDES! Whew! Its like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm such a control freak. Or OCD? Who knows. Kept the name from Tyler though :) (speaking of, Tyler, thank you for putting up with my antics and being so incredible helpful and kind. Truly a star.) I really like it, he came up with a good one. And the whole "What chyou gunna do?" thing is, well, not OVER, but just doesn't have the same meaning as it did when I first made this thing. I'm telling you people. I feel much more sound in mind. Its incredible. How lucky all of you who've been this way since, well, whenever! Its a great feeling! :) I mean, obviously the future is uncertain, but there is a peace to it knowing that well, ya just gotta take it in stride. Okay, I'm done here. Enough soap boxing - ew. I can only be serious for so long before it starts to feel like I'm in a very small box having oil poured over my head drowning my entire body in a nasty weighted coating. Ugh.
Alright homies! Glad to be back! :) Glad to see your faces! Happy to hear about your anythings! In the least girly and sappiest of ways....
Ciao ciao. We'll talk soon.
amo. out.
hmmm... this page needs some green. time to HTML this mutha.
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Yay, and I can make comments again :-)
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