Last weekend we had Monday off (well, David did) and we actually got round to doing quite a lot! The original plan was a trip to Tasmania or something fun like that, but with everyone going out of town the prices sky rocket and it makes us cringe and sink back into our Melbourne hole where we find ourselves having plenty of fun! (And also saving enough money to score Tasmania next weekend!)
In short, we headed out to Yarra Valley to do some wine tasting (beautiful country, wine's not so much) and met an awesome dog (obviously!) and enjoyed cruising around. Luckily we had a snazzy rental, thanks to David's corporate rate, and I drove all day while he did the "tasting". Worked quite well! Then the market the next day to pick up groceries for dinner that night (having friends over from Ireland and another one of David's coworkers). Luckily David remembered the Cellar Store (beer shop) was open so we hopped over to buy some hops and supplies to brew our first... brew. :)
OH! Coming home Friday night we stopped in at the bottle shop downstairs that I work in and landed ourselves a couple of free tickets to the Essedon/Carlton footy game, and while I was beat and sort of looking forward to renting Finding Nemo (DAVE'S IDEA) he convinced me that you never turn down free sporting event tickets and dammit if he wasn't right. That game was bloody awesome. Our tickets were from a member of the Essedon club so we were in the thick of the blue collar fans and the team had been down the whole game - well, wouldn't you know, incredible comeback and we win it in the last few minutes! The place was going NUTSO! And you guys, ITS HUGE!!!!! I need to get the video from his phone and put it on here of the song they all sing when the team wins. Awesome stuff. Really awesome stuff. We are lucky enough to have been to a sporting event practically once every month we've been here and it's a pattern I wouldn't mind seeing continue!

Notes of the weekend that I didn't manage to work into the stories above - the dog we met at the first winery that made you feel like you were in Tuscany? I WANT ONE. She was wonderful. A cross between a dingo and collie, short hair, quiet temperament and just an all around sweetie. Big enough to run and go places but not so big you can have her on your lap for a cuddle. Upon declaring she was the perfect dog, David gave me the look of "how are you going to get it back to America? You aren't. Let the idea go and we'll talk about it in 2 years" to which I responded with the look that says "Huh-uh mister. That doesn't work anymore. She is what I want and I will find a way to bring one just like her back to America with me. And her name will be Joey". We can really do a lot with our looks. ALSO, when Dave told me the two buzzed gentleman offered us the footy tickets, I suggested he go and have fun with the boys and get rowdy blah blah blah. BUT, all anybody heard in the shop was that I DIDN'T want to go and was making him go alone, to which they proceeded to reprimand me and the entire female race for not ever wanting to have fun and go to sporting events. YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG GIRL, PEOPLE! So, I went and it was awesome and I am thankful for the gene in me that says I'll prove you wrong. Thank you David for taking me along for the ride. I need that person that says "lets go!" :)
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