April 23, 2013

10 Years

Part of the Lululemon application is a goal setting exercise. It starts with visualizing your life in 10 years and describing what you see, hear, and feel in your ideal life. Who is there? How do you spend your time? Where do you spend your time? It's limited to a couple of paragraphs (if that) and is meant to kick start your brain for the next step - setting goals for 10, 5 and 1 year from now. Each of those will have career goals, health goals and life goals.

WOAH? Yea, woah.

So, silly me trying to start from 1 year and work my way up to where I will be in 10, realized I was doing it all wrong and have been pacing around half distracting myself allowing my brain to relax and spit out what it sees 10 years from now. THEN, I'll start working my way back to the point where I know what I need this year to be on track for that picture.

Here goes:
I have a modest home full of life and a young family in a small to mid-size community. There is never a dull moment! The backdoor opens as dogs and children come and go, and the garden is full of fresh produce. The days are planned by what's on the schedule and what needs to get done. I don't report in at a 9-5 job that my life works around - my work is a part of my life. I am an entrepreneur of sorts, working for myself on a number of contracts, helping small businesses grow. All the profits I earn feed investments that enhance my future. I am happy, ambitious, creative. I am heavily invested in the local community as a member of the city council and school board, and I am known as the go-to girl if you need help to get something done - major projects, art walks, fundraisers, you name it. It's big ideas and community involvement for me. I am active, taking pleasure in recreational activities and a good, physically exhausting workout. I love planning the families annual backpacking trip, and adventures to unknown lands that grow my children's awareness and keep our family ever learning.

Now having the end vision, filling in the blanks and writing it down on paper what I want and how I will get there really gets your heart pumping and maaaaybe even makes you a little nauseous. I've got a lot of work to do but seeing it here in front of me reminds me that this IS something that I want. Love it.

1 comment

Kayleah said...

I love it

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