February 17, 2012

Do you accept the challenge?

Go ahead. I dare you to not think for yourself, to follow the norm, and work as society implies is best. In all that you do.

I dare you to give up your personality, your right, your individuality and all that makes this world interesting and ever changing.
I dare you to count yourself unworthy and uninteresting - to say it is someone else’s business and that you don’t know how.
I dare you to act as a passerby unaware of your personal potential.
I dare you to be mute, only tapping in to what the world tells us, to ignore mother nature and your inner human instinct.
I dare you to take your hatred for high school classes and teachers out on your intellectual development as a society contributing adult.
I dare you to make the rash assumption now that grades are a thing of the past you have no one to answer to.
I dare you to ignore the voice you’ve done so well at demanding to be quiet - to convince yourself that you don’t care, aren’t interested, and curiosity for all things is “dorky”.
I dare you to give up. 
Or rather, I dare you, to be.

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