March 12, 2010

I dare you, while there is still time, to have a magnificent obsession. - William Danforth

all i want, right now, is a huge art studio. yes, at 11:41 in the night the best thing I can think of is living in a place all by myself with an art studio. I would turn on the lights, the music, get into a small tank top and some underwears, be bare foot, and just paint paint paint. With no inhibition. I'd need lots of supplies, and money because I am going to get after it. Dang I could paint for hours right now. The room would be warm the music Citizen Cope/Ingrid Michaelson-ish and massive amounts of painting. I've got a half bottle of wine, an excellent dinner and a few after dinner drinks in me and a most amazingly fun make me smile laugh giddy giggle text in my phone and relationships with friends that feel the most alive than probably they have in a year, that I just can't stand it folks. As fulfilling as it is to pound on my click click keyboard indian style in the middle of my comfy white bed with the bed light on, it aint enough. :) I'm beaming at the screen right now for many reasons none of which deserve to have a distinction because I feel like this is something I don't want to attribute to a specific moment in time but more of a sense of BEING.

Okay, don't want to ruin a good thing :) time for bed. ciao for now, peace out girl scout. mwah.

1 comment

Monica said...

this sounds amazingly amazing.

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