better yet was the three to four feet that were sticking out the back window on the way back from La Grande to Portland :) would you believe me if I told you there were TWO of them in there?!
Now that I've scored a bit more time shall we explain how those two trees ended up back there in the first place?
Look right, look left, THAT GUY :) Last minute decision to go home for a couple days to see Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving always leads to some play up in the woods in the Jeep and a check in on the 'dozer.

Clearly we weren't the only ones happy to be up there. I think we
paused for two seconds at a photo op and were greeted by this guy saying, "Hey guys, why'd you stop?" Seriously, he knows how to work those ears to get anything.
And when I say anything I mean anything, he even got some of this tastylicious spread! Dad was feeling mighty proud of his turkey presentation and after some selective taste testing to make sure the turkey was in fact 'edible' he exclaimed, "WOOO! Look at that! Have you ever seen Turkey presented so well!?" Stuffed ourselves silly, nibbled on the pumpkin pie and read till there were three happily snoring Clergets all snug in their beds.

Tummy full, it was off to Sun Valley to spend a few days with this guy and his family :) roads were deec considering on the way to La Grande I spent more than two hours sitting in stopped traffic and saw 7 different accidents, one right before mi eyes mate!
Anywho, Sun Valley ROCKED. Minus the unfortunate BSU loss :( but beers were good, snow was falling and everyone loves an art walk with friends and family! Thanks Berrys!
I kidnapped Dave and we headed back up North to the Homestead, quick stop in for a town tour where I introduced him to the local law enforcement. WHO WAS CLEARLY YOUNGER THAN BOTH OF US. You know when you're getting old when the cop that pulls you over could be your younger sibling. YIKES. Dad calls, "where are you?" Head home, lights off, bottom of the drive, I spot one set of tire tracks in our new two feet of snow, headin off into the trees to our rightand as soon as I spotted Buster ahead I KNEW IT. They were hiding in the trees ready to ambush. I frantically reached to shut off my lights so we could go incognito and hide because I knew we were going to be in a dirty game of hide and seek; Just as I was about to whisper to Dave what the hell was going on...
Streak of red light FLYS by shredding snow leaving a solid 20/30 rooster tail in our direction! I squeal for life and laugh my butt off and smile at Dave because well, Welcome Home. :)
*Special thanks to The Dan Clerget Memorial Forest for the donation of Christmas Trees in the making of this adventure. *