December 5, 2009

How to Choose Cross-Country Ski Touring Gear.

as stated on the REI Expert Advice website.... "ask your sales associate for assistance in choosing the right pair."

Thanks, REI. Thanks a lot. Quality, no, MONEY advice right there. Yes, because I have a sales associate sitting in my bedroom in podunk Oregon; how silly of me not to think about asking him instead of getting online and sifting through blogs and jibber! Let me just drop what I'm doing while he and his stunning white smile hidden amongst five o'clock shadow takes his handsome manly hands and gently fits my foot into the perfect UK boot as he explains to me the pro's and con's of 3 pin bindings vs. NNN, or better yet SNS. Would I like to join you tomorrow to check out a new trail you found in the Eagle Caps? Sure. Actually, I heard Denali boasts some beautiful terrain... How about we hop on the float plane and go check that out next week? Can we bring a tent? You'd like to do so some back country camping too? Shoot, I am going to have to be in Seattle by next Friday, its the Battle baby and my friends are funnier than hell. What's that? You're free? Oh sheesh, in that case, its on. I'll bring an extra Kennel shirt and we'll make a whole vacation out of it. :) yes, i think you're pretty bad ass too.

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