December 12, 2013

This! More of This!

You've no doubt been privy to this video already, but I'm putting it here to share with you now and to keep in the chest of awesome for all time. I had a really rad explanation of this video and what it means to me, to you, to marketing and business. We're all aware of why it's so wonderful for the same reasons Love Actually is one of the greatest movies of all time. Because it makes you feel! And gives you hope! And inspires you to remember that life CAN be that wonderful, full of crazy love, be it friendship or soul mates, and it's only us that stand in the way!

Golly, I love this stuff.

For the sake of time, I'm going to barf out the resonating inspiration I took from this gem from WestJet Creative/Marketing team (you know, after the obvious happy tears, laughter and "gotta watch that one more time cuz I'm a hopeless romantic" phase) - I HAVE TO GET BACK IN THE GAME. This is my place! I love this stuff! I am so ready to be at that table creating these kinds of ideas, working on a team scribbling those crazy concepts on the board, crossing them off, dialing down on them. Conceptualizing. Fantasizing. Strategizing. And burning midnight oil to finish it off. (That sounds like the beginnings of a nerdy rap song.) No, I'm not claiming inside my head lies the next greatest holiday viral video, I can't even say I have a rad email tagline stored in there for next weeks promotion (okay, I'm sure I could come up with something after a delicious Americano), but I KNOW, that this is what I want to do. Creating. Invoking. Inspiring and building. Growing. The bottom line and people's capacity to care. Isn't the goal to do it all at once?! We're creating change in mankind and in the economy. One builds the other, it's no shame to claim that's ones motivation. I'm in! Growth and change are GOOD. All it takes is a group of people and some elbow grease. Thank you to those who are doing this on a bigger level than myself at this moment. I'm coming!


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