April 28, 2013

Grrrrreat Ocean Road!

Where does time go besides straight down the toilet as of late? Kidding. It's been a lot but I will be the last person to say that time has gone to waste. I'm doing good. And as such, realized that it's way too silly of me to not share some fun photos I snapped on a recent trip along the Great Ocean Road (think hwy 1). I sort of spilled the beans on a recent post, but that's okay, right?!

I think I'm going to be drawing a lot more maps like this. It's too fun. 

For starters, this trip included a lot of beach and some surprising hidden gems. Most people head off on the 4-5 day road trip just to see the 12 Apostles, but you guys know me, I'm not most people. For starters. Look at what I rented us (because hotels were crazy expensive due to the Easter holiday weekend): 

We cruised along the coast for the better part of the first day along a two lane road filled with surfers. Seriously. Everywhere. Old men, kids. EVERYWHERE. 
See the itty bitty light house? It was neat. But not as neat as THIS: 

Our first kangaroo! Ahem, wallaby  as we've since found out. The difference being the size. If they're small and dark like this, odds are it's a wallaby but there is no shame in getting stoked! Look at it! Dave said he'd get closer to it to make it hop and I said maybe not such a good idea - looking back, I should have said "Go for it!" Kidding. Because then I'd have to drive the rest of the trip. ;) 

I pretty much hit my happy place on this portion of the trip outside of Apollo Bay going inland because being around trees like this made me feel like I was back in the PNW and that my friends, was glorious. These were also glorious: 

Giant ferns! EVERYWHERE! We found a random trail out to a set of waterfalls and were AGAIN blown away by how beautiful the fauna was. Being so immersed in it was rad. 

These aren't as pretty as they are in my photo program so I'm going to have to figure out how to get you guys the rich versions. Next time. 

So back out of the trees we went after a couple of meat pies (YUM!) and an encounter with our prehistoric friends: 

And next stop, 12 Apostles*! *See "Skype Mom & Dad" on the map*

Anti-climatic? We thought so too. Especially since all you hear about are these guys. However, further down the road you can jet off on some hiking trails and since it was pouring and David didn't have his rain jacket on hand, I took off and got to see some of the most beautiful eroding coastline of all time. The pockets of earth that have been eaten away make up what is called Ship Wreck Coast and with the wind and rain I was experiencing there in only a short moment, I can see how it's earned it's name! 

The amount of wind happening here is impossible to describe! 
The weather never improved and we spent the night wondering if the sea was going to wash us away. Who can complain though?!.... okay, I'm pooped. And I have an interview in the morning. So lets call this "Intermission" and we'll save the rest (and the best!) for tomorrow :)


April 23, 2013

10 Years

Part of the Lululemon application is a goal setting exercise. It starts with visualizing your life in 10 years and describing what you see, hear, and feel in your ideal life. Who is there? How do you spend your time? Where do you spend your time? It's limited to a couple of paragraphs (if that) and is meant to kick start your brain for the next step - setting goals for 10, 5 and 1 year from now. Each of those will have career goals, health goals and life goals.

WOAH? Yea, woah.

So, silly me trying to start from 1 year and work my way up to where I will be in 10, realized I was doing it all wrong and have been pacing around half distracting myself allowing my brain to relax and spit out what it sees 10 years from now. THEN, I'll start working my way back to the point where I know what I need this year to be on track for that picture.

Here goes:
I have a modest home full of life and a young family in a small to mid-size community. There is never a dull moment! The backdoor opens as dogs and children come and go, and the garden is full of fresh produce. The days are planned by what's on the schedule and what needs to get done. I don't report in at a 9-5 job that my life works around - my work is a part of my life. I am an entrepreneur of sorts, working for myself on a number of contracts, helping small businesses grow. All the profits I earn feed investments that enhance my future. I am happy, ambitious, creative. I am heavily invested in the local community as a member of the city council and school board, and I am known as the go-to girl if you need help to get something done - major projects, art walks, fundraisers, you name it. It's big ideas and community involvement for me. I am active, taking pleasure in recreational activities and a good, physically exhausting workout. I love planning the families annual backpacking trip, and adventures to unknown lands that grow my children's awareness and keep our family ever learning.

Now having the end vision, filling in the blanks and writing it down on paper what I want and how I will get there really gets your heart pumping and maaaaybe even makes you a little nauseous. I've got a lot of work to do but seeing it here in front of me reminds me that this IS something that I want. Love it.

April 17, 2013

April 16, 2013

April 14, 2013

This page needs some life.

So let's add a little with some photos, yea?


April 12, 2013

Why was Billings so awesome?

Because I did anything and everything I could get my hands on. I never stopped. I just kept going and exploring and trying. Found more jobs, drove here, stopped there. Had a thought and ACTED on it.

There. That's it. That's the key. Had the thoughts and acted upon them. My head is full of all the answers or actions that can lead to the answers but I have not been acting upon them. I know what to do - we all do, it's usually simple, the piece we lack is the initiative.

April 3, 2013

Recipes Wanted!

Calling all my kitchen, food loving friends! J Despite being able to pack 3 very large suitcases full of goodies, I didn’t manage to squeeze in my cookbook and all the handwritten, scribbled recipes I’ve collected over “the years”, leaving me empty handed for those homemade casseroles and pies/crisps. Yes, the internet makes a plethora of them available at my fingertips but those aren’t the tried and tested by you guys. And we all know those are the best!!! I’m missing my Betty Crocker like crazy and would really really appreciate your favorite go-to favorite dish. Dessert, fall bounty, rolls, you name it. PLEASE. We cook at home more now than ever and I want to blow David’s tastebuds out of the water. Lord knows my ability to cross one eye isn’t doing it.

OKAY OKAY. Final request, can you please email, snail mail, text or any way you choose, a recipe you thoroughly enjoy? Or perhaps one you’d like to see my try before you do it J Doesn’t matter to me, bring um on! And to my Betty Crocker stuffed in a box in Mom and Dad’s basement – I’m coming for you honey, this is only a temporary fix. Stay strong.

LETS GET TO COOKING! J Please don’t make me go buy “The Joy of Cooking”! Altough, I think it’s inevitable. I want to know how to do that stuff! SO FUN! Thank you Julie and Julia for the planted seed.
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