just got this wiff of awesome from Helena, Montana where the big brother is adding on to his own shop/shed where he works on and keeps all of his awesome toys. Yes, I used awesome twice in that sentence and it was awesome. because these are awesome. i have a thesaurus on my bookshelf but at times like this i see no need to use it.

"That side wall was a real pain to stand up on my own! I don't know what it weighed but it's 16 feet long and 10 feet tall on 16 inch centers so, it weighed plenty! Going to be so nice!!!!"

"These trees were all victims of the illustrious Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle so all they were going to do is burn up in a forest fire. I just wish I could show all environmentalists how much us farm boys actually save the planet."
and my favorite of all...
Ten bucks to the person who guesses what he's referring to first :) Clerget family, you can't play.