March 13, 2010

found this on my mac a lack :)

The pay off is greater with long-term commitment. That’s the beauty of it. The reward.
The idea.

Can someone say scrooge? perhaps it comes after a year where my departure for en zed was approaching. and i could have been gallivanting off to Nepal this month but no, instead I decide to seriously consider opening a Cold Stone and thus dedicating my general finances and life towards it for the next five years of my life. Bye bye world travels for the time being. In five years? HELLO AFRICA. Yes, I would LOVE to teach you how to start your own company of such that you are so passionate about? Passion you ask? Lets write the definition! And while we're at it, lets shake hands with adversity and tell him we're about to fuck him up. I'm here for you. I want to see you smile. I want to see you succeed and achieve those dreams! But for now, I want to see many Helena-ites carrying around little red Cold Stone cups filled with their favorite creation. P.S. we make cakes too, and I'm so ready to make some bad ass ice cream cakes. And my mom laughed when I said I wanted an ice cream cake for my wedding. Wedding!? Hells no. Ladies and gents, I give myself ten years to at least be capable of having a BOYFRIEND. The whole serious relationship, dedication, marriage, life long happiness stuff is just too foreign to me. I'm more comfortable with things I can put a finger on. Like pushing "purchase" on an Alaska Airlines flight to VEGAS! Lets go Kells!

Wow, that felt good. Breath of fresh aaaaayyyyyyyyyer. Whew. Also feeling good? Taking my auto update thing off Facebook. I'm half considering deleting my account from the site, but shit, who are we kidding? Sometimes though, I think about it..... Or changing my password when I'm wasted so I don't remember what it is. But again, who are we kidding, how often do I get drunk. This time of the year, basketball season not Christmas fools, is more often than normal, but still.

a lot of people go home to feel grounded again, get their feet under them and start fresh. Worst idea for me. Maybe for a week. TOPS. More than that and I start to feel like the walls are closing in and I am swinging at them to bust through, but can't seem to connect. If only I knew where the seam was I would bust through that like Chuck Norris does to the Great Wall of China. If they ever met.

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