February 16, 2010

escuela, you make me smile.

Well, its week three for me of classes and its a 50/50 gig. I have Language Arts and History three times a week (revert back to Sophomore year Ad Building if you will), and while they are enjoyable because its new information, and I love me some learning, I often feel like I'm wasting my time! But, then this happens... EDTE... as soon as I'm done with those two pains in my butt, I bust over to the Education building and every time I walk through those doors I wanna do a victory dance and say "HOLLA!!!!! OW!!!!!!" and moon walk my way to the elevator. I'm tellin ya folks, as soon as my eyes start glancing at education related text I get all giddy. The wheels start rolling and I'm no longer "at school" like I have been the last two hours! I have a Wednesday night class that sadly I've only been able to enjoy once since I've been here, and its PHENOMENAL. Let me repeat that - PHENOMENAL. Those three hours aren't enough. The minds, the personalities, the vibe in there is just JUICY! Mmm, mmm! People are throwing ideas around, stories are being told, we're all inquiring the who what when where why and HOW because, WE. ALL. CARE. Its a 500 level and you can tell (hopefully I can get my ducks in a row and step up to the plate academically) I can't get enough. Even my online course that has a frightening work load for two credits, and extensive amount of additional readings and resources, is a joy. A kick in the pants. An conductive element (brain farting fart fart) of happy go lucky warm fuzzy feelings. I'm pumped. I spent my entire Presidents Day dedicated to catching up and as soon as bad vibes were kicking in, I looked back over my submitted work and discussion postings and checked out updated feedback. SO COOL! Everyone has something great to add! A new story, a new idea, positive feedback! We're not in this class to fill in the blanks (well, maybe) but also to explore the topics in question, discuss them, and check out what our classmates came up with! I love it. I love people talking about how we can change this, adapt to this, relate to this, all for the enhancement of the learning experience we're all out to achieve! Good stuff. Someday I'm going to be really excited to welcome those kids in that first day of school :) Thanks classmates for a wonderful intro and oh so reassuring experience that I am in the right place! Hope all you's peeps is well, I love you :)

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