Call a girl out - I'm a SLACKER! and how niiiiiiice. This, coming from the 24 year old female living with a HS friend and her handsome hubby who hasn't been in one place for more than two months in over a year and who is always quick to title another the depressive, degrading, and demeaning adjective... let me have it Alex. I'm a slacker.
Sure as shootin, my beliefs on my friendships has been confirmed - they are my everything. As soon as I feel like I'm losin sight, or drowning in my own millions of thoughts of critisicm, one of them unexpectedly pops into my life in one way, the first just as wonderful as the next - a text, a blog entry, a phone call, or a lengthy lovely email, there they are breathing life back into my soul.
Shout out, blog dedication(?) to Ming. And Josh. Tyler. Denny. Kayleah. V. Scott. Anna. Emily.... I'm losing sight. Lets stick with Ming. Let the story begin with Ming...
Struggling, and I mean STRUGGLING, to write the past couple of weeks, I sat down this evening like many evenings, one thing leading to another, open up Ming's blog and let the laughter ROLL BABY ROLL. Now I'm a believer, without a trace of doubt in my mind... nah nah nah. Cracked me up, her 17 post (no, the blog in its ENTIRETY) telling it like it is and confessing in (cough cough) unnattractive human tendicies in which we all dabble but most often won't admit! Ming - I love you. And yet I hate you. Why didn't you explain majoring in nursing at GU was the best route because it led to travel extravaganzas whilst helping the hospitalized?! Perhaps the hesitation I had sitting in Jane Hessinos office my freshman year was legitimate - giving presentations, drawing economic graphs and playing beer pong wasn't the best route to success... or rather, I just have yet to stumble upon (or found) the society of Gonzaga alums dedicated to speaking at Public Schools instilling a pillar of motivation to our youth asking them, challenging them, to believe in themselves, take pride in their work, and strive for a future of peace, justice, leadership, and service. . All the while polishing their athletic abilities in an activity of their choice. Pick up ball was the best hangover cure. I'll swear by it till they... forget it. I'll never stop swearing by it. Get up and get going you lazy.
I'm serious kids. I want to reach out. So much it makes me lips quiver.
May 28, 2009
May 1, 2009
meeeeow mamacita
and you cant DE-NIE!

Okay, help me out dudes, my fellow blogatharians, what, WHAT is the little quotation graphic - " - supposed to do for assisting in our formatting capabilities? (and how do you quote a quotation mark? Mrs. Wilson, where are you when I need you....) I mean really though, I thought, awesome! Some kind of nifty feature that highlights a text that we found at an earlier point in time that proved some interest to us and we wanted to share via le blog. FAIL. Total fail. It simply indents what already IS plain text and fails to identity it in any other way. Excuse me please, google blogger programmers, I know you guys get paid bank, and I KNOW you have a creative coding that you so easily enter into your C++ Java to make YOUR quotations look cool, but what about those of us that lack those nerdly skills, and the oh so precious time to acquire them? And, please don't refer me to the "helpful" websites created by freelance shinanigans, because they only make it more confusing and quite disconcerning because they tease you with their catch phrases of "its easy!" "anyone can do it!" "simply.." blah blah blah.
At any rate, its a task which I am unafraid to tackle, and more than happily going to conquer. HOOAH! Those of you who know me, know this! Shoot, anything which we didn't know yesterday and took the time to learn today, is a good thing :) Lost my train of thought, gosh darn it Connor Haffey! How good does it feel to catch up, mmm Ketchup, with a sweet sweet friend? :) Lean wit it, rock wit it.
Photo courtesy of: Erin Kells. All rights free.
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